

Is work that important than relationship?

We have been together for a year now. I am a doctor, and he is an engineer by profession. The first few months were good despite our differences in choices and mindsets. We connected very well and both wanted a long-term relationship leading to marriage. Things started to change last August when he got busy with work and had no time to text or call. Whenever I asked, he said the work culture is very toxic, so he was not able to connect. This went on for some time, leading to many fights. One day, in the middle of a fight, he suggested we part ways, which we did. However, he eventually came back, and things were smooth for a while. On my birthday, he didn’t plan anything and said he forgets things easily and that I should understand. In this one year of our relationship, he has never gifted me anything, while I have always celebrated his smallest wins. We also always split the bills, which is okay for me. What worries me the most is that after a few dates, I had to come back alone at night and faced some issues with Uber drivers a few times. When I told him, he seemed unconcerned. Similarly, when I am sick, he never bothers to check on me. Our communication has significantly decreased. When I ask him to call or text, he says I should do it, but I am constantly the one checking on him if he doesn’t respond for 1-2 days. Whenever I bring up our lack of communication, his answer is always that he was busy with work. He calmly assures me every time we fight, but there is no change in his actions.
11.03 PM - Dec 22, 2024